The Bright Road + Tracer Flare

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Evénément : The Bright Road + Tracer Flare
Début : 2 août 2013 21 h 00
Fin : 2 août 2013 23 h 00
Prix : 10 $
Organisateur : La Petite Boîte Noire
Téléphone : 819 300-2353
Courriel :
Lieu : La Petite Boîte Noire
Téléphone : 819 300-2353
Adresse :
58, rue Meadow, Sherbrooke, Québec, J1H 1M8, Canada

The Bright Road is a Pop Rock Ambient band from Montreal founded by Philippe Garceau in 2009 with his first release « Just Remembering ». Since then the band as grown up with the latest album called « Norway ». The first music video has been the video of the month on Jango radio in March 2012.

Tracer Flare is a Montreal band formed at the end of 2010. It took almost about a year of musical experimentation before the band truly found their way.

After spending time on/off recording and playing shows, Tracer Flare released their first ep Among Us in march 2012 follow by a circuit of shows including Il motore, Cafe campus, Club soda and Casa del popolo.

It didn’t took long before the idea of going back in the studio to record a new ep was thrown on the table. Recorded with relentless hardwork during a hot montreal summer, their second ep Black Box saw the day in November 2012.

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